In the middle of the room she paused, looking about her with a grave mouth and smiling eyes; and in that instant Newland Archer rejected the general verdict on her looks. 她在客厅中间停住脚步,抿着嘴,两眼含笑地打量着四周。就在这一瞬间,纽兰·阿切尔否定了有关她的容貌的普遍看法。
It will make a general verdict at the end of this month. 庭审后两人都表示对获得监护权有信心,据悉本月底将作裁定。
The general verdict was that people had enjoyed the film. 普遍的看法是人们都说这部影片好看。
A general verdict is one in which the jury makes a general finding for one party or the other. 一般裁定是针对一方当事人或另一方当事人所作的裁定。
A jury normally returns a general verdict. 陪审团通常能给出一个一般的裁决。